Sage Colour & Style
Sage Colour & Style provides design services to support residential construction on new homes or renovations, interior decoration and colour consultation. Led by Ann King, the goal for Sage Colour & Style was to raise her personal and business profile within the industry. We helped to refresh and redefine the brand through a well defined online and social media strategy executed through powerful marketing tool and regular ongoing marketing communications. As the outsourced marketing department for Sage Colour & Style, we have worked across all facets of their marketing including brand, online, communications and planning. Sage and Ann King are now a renowned authority in the industry.
My goal was to raise the profile of my business within a highly competitive industry. The team helped my brand reach another level. I am now busier than I have ever been.
Ann King, Interior Stylist & Colour Consultant
Sage, Colour & Style
Marketing Plan
Brand Development
Logo Design
Target Market Analysis
Competitor Analysis
Website Design
Social Media Strategy
Email Marketing
Marketing Materials
Collateral Alignment
Press Packs
Business Stationary